Julien raised one eyebrow.
Adrienne: "Wow, that's neat, I've never been able to do that. Your daddy can. And you know who else could? My mommy used to be able to."
Julien: "But now she's dead."
A: "Yes."
J: "Why is she dead?"
A: "She got very sick. Not like a cold, very sick.."
J: "Did she have a fever?"
A: "Well, maybe at some point, but she had cancer which is a serious illness."
J: "Is she bones now?"
A: "Well, not exactly. She decided she would rather be ashes so she could be scattered in the lake by Chicago. She loved that lake & wanted to always be in it."
J: "They cut open her bones and took out her ashes."
A: "No, they didn't cut her. She became ashes, like when you burn wood there are white ashes left behind."
J: "And then the lake will all dry up and there will be mud and then the ashes and bones will turn to stone."
A: "You mean she will become a fossil?"
J; "Yes"
A: "She would like that."