We started in Kalamazoo, visiting Todd and Amy in their new home. Julien and Laryn had lots of fun together. It felt like a slumber party.
Saturday morning we all headed over to Lansing to go to Justus and Sarah's and we met up with Kim, Ed and Margaret. Julien and Margaret were overjoyed to see each other (Margaret is now at a new school) and they proceeded to play a rough game of chase and kill mummies, which sent them into convolutions of giggles and lots of rolling around on the floor together. We then all headed over to the babyshower, which was mostly an English Department affair. Sarah looks good and very pregnant. She is very happy to no longer be on bedrest! She will be taking her final exams for law school in the next week or so. Hopefully she won't go into labor before then.
After the baby shower we headed straight home. We were exhausted. During the drive we tried Mad libs for the first time. Julien thought they were hilarious!