Thursday, May 31, 2007

Stink Bug Is Dead

This is the song that Julien wrote:

Stink bug is dead
Stink bug is dead

No bugs, except for butterflies
Were having peace now that he is dead
Paint no grave stones red

Now no monkeys can eat him
Now we can never watch him
Now we replace him with a song

Red-y-dead dead dead dead
Red-y-dead dead dead dead

Now nobody can see him again
We tried crystals to keep him alive,
but it didn't work

He died
He died
He died

Stink bug is dead
Stink bug is dead
Stink bug is dead

Memorial Day

Julien's pet stink bug, Stink, died. Actually he died weeks ago but Julien was in denial. Julien decided that Memorial day was a perfect time to bury him. We made a coffin, and as well as Stink, we included all his belongings (sticks, leaves etc). Julien made a grave stone and a map to the afterlife, Dinosaur Country. Then Julien wrote a song, which I sang while he played the guitar.

Afterwards he told me we need to create a memorial for Stink. He though a building would be just the thing. He said "I know! The perfect thing. How about a restaurant named Stinks Ahoy!"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Crazy Clown

After weeks of having thrush on and off, and giving Sebastian medicine four times a day, we finally decided to try gentian violet. It is a crazy medicine because it turns everything purple. But you only have to use it three times and you should be cured. we hope.

Sebastian looked like a crazy clown. A cute, crazy clown.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Painted Ladies

Two Painted Lady butterflies, Cutie and Movey, hatched. Julien picked flowers for them which we sprinkled with sugar water so they have something to eat. When we took the butterfly cage outside to warm them up in the sun they got very active. We will release them once they all hatch.



To help keep Sebastian occupied outside we got a little sandbox, much to the excitement of the kids. After getting sandy they washed off in the bucket. They got very wet.

Friday, May 25, 2007

University Elementary

Julien has been accepted into full-time kindergarten, which is very good news. He will be going to University Elementary. There is now a cool "New Student" web site created by 3rd graders. The surveys about eating out say a lot about the student population. Namely, that the international choices are not just Chinese and Mexican but also Korean, Turkish, Japanese and Indian. Julien's first choice would be Asuka. He likes the seafood yaki udon - stir fried. Also for the pizza, sandwich, or snack category Scholars Inn Bakehouse, an artisan bread and gourmet sandwich shop came in second place. The international section is also interesting. Check out all the languages spoken at University.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


All of the chrysalids are now formed, so we moved them into the butterfly tent. Now we just have to wait!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


On top of hanging out at the campfire, playing soccer, building the fire and reading books, we also had more adventurous activites. I went through Wolf cave for the first time (without Sebastian), which was a thrill. I couldn't last year because I was very pregnant. Julien went through three times. We also hiked to the waterfall and went on a hay ride. Sebastian can get lulled to sleep in his carrier, which was a good way to get him to nap.

Music by the Campfire

Adrian's Dad, Daniel, entertained us with music by the campfire. He comes in to the class room to sing and play guitar on occasion. He has also had the kids write a couple songs, including one about their pet bunny, Cutie. Mira, Neal's older sister, also took a turn at the guitar.

Sebastian at The Campfire

Sebastian loved camping. Not only did he get lots of attention, he was also outside for an entire weekend. What could be better. He especially loved getting grubby in the gravel around the fire pit. The pack'n play playpen really helped out too (thanks Todd and Amy!).

Julien's teachers

Julien has a great group of teachers at Hoosier Courts. Staci (to the right) is the lead teacher. She is pregnant and is due at the end of July. Michelle and Patty are assistant teachers. Michelle babysat for us a few times. Apparently she used to be a serious competetive swimmer. She volunteered to take Julien to the pool for lessons. We plan to take her up on the offer! Christina couldn't make it camping this year.

Playing Ball

Sebastian loves playing ball. In this photo I am holding a ball to throw to him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Andrew's Birthday

Andrew had his birthday on the camping trip. Sebastian enjoyed playing with his brother, William.


Julien fell in love with a little chihuahua that grandpa Steve (Hannah's grandpa) brought camping. This was the first time we ever saw Julien truly bond with a pet. Cocoa, the chihuahua, was very popular.