We saw Ali almost every day that we were in Santa Cruz. She seems like she is doing really well. She still lives in the same little house by her old farm, Dirty Girl Produce, which is now run by a man (somehow the name takes on a different meaning).
She now works for two non-profits, Roots of Change and Greenopia. She also spends a lot of time surfing. Julien thought she was really great. He ate as many blackberries as he could pick when we visited her. She also took us to a surf museum in the Santa Cruz light house, where we saw a surf board with shark bite marks in it.
When we finally stopped for a snack at the end of the day we were pretty wiped out. We also realized that we were there till closing, which meant that we had been there for 5 or 6 hours! It had been a long, and very memorable, day.
The Outer Bay exhibit was amazing. We saw several types of sharks and rays and a very weird fish that looked a bit like a swimming rock. My favorites were the sea turtles. (Thanks to Shelly for the beautiful photos).
Before our trip I had promised Julien a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Thankfully, Shelly took us; it would have been quite complicated for me to take the kids by myself.
We had a very fun, very long day. And it made a very big impression on Julien. To this day he is still playing with his sharks and telling all the neighbors about the biggest threat to the ocean- overfishing.
On one of the first nights we picked up Richard from campus and went to the boardwalk. Richard had promised Julien a ride on the roller coaster, but Julien wasn't quite tall enough. None the less, they had lots of fun on the other rides, especially the Rock-n-Roll.
Shelly lives near the Food Bin (where Richard used to work) and by Emily's Bakery. We went to the bakery for breakfast almost every morning. Julien loved it. Especially the chocolate croissants. Apparently Emily is the Mayor of Santa Cruz.
We spent the rest of the week at Shelly Errington's house in Santa Cruz. She lives in the same house that she lived in when I attended Santa Cruz, which is just down the hill from the UCSC campus and not far from where I lived senior year.
Her house was great. Julien climbed into her loft every chance he got (thankfully Sebastian did not learn to climb the ladder). Sebastian loved playing with Shelly's necklaces. I tried to keep him away, but it didn't always work.
The rest of the trip Julien and Sebastian and I all slept together. Julien was very happy about this. He had been asking to sleep with Sebastian since he was first born. Plus he got to sleep with me. It was fun, although at times I wished I had a little more space.
We were back in Napa for two more nights. We went to Copia, the food museum, and went swimming each day. Kathy also helped me take a much needed breather from the kids.
Back to the trip... On Sunday we had a brunch with Megan and Michael and their two girls, Anya and Savanne, at Susi and Rob's. It was good to see Megan- it has been a while! Susi made a great quiche.
Julien was very excited for his first day of school. And nervous. We didn't find out who is teacher was until 6:30 the night before, which is when they post teacher assignments. We got the teacher we requested, Mrs. Miller. And he had two friends that were assigned to the same teacher.
I think most of the day went pretty well. He announced "I didn't break any rules!" He did go to the nurses office, however, when his swing and another kids swing crashed into each other and he fell off and scraped his knee. At recess he played with a little boy named Diego. He only ate the cookies out of his lunch (and we had packed strawberries, half a turkey sandwich and oriental noodles) and he actually fell asleep during nap time (called "magical minutes"). He also got to be line leader when they went to music class.
The bus ride home was more traumatic. He thought the bus driver had gotten lost and was in tears when Richard met him at the bus stop.
But he was ready to take the bus this morning, and I am sure he will begin to get more used to it as time progresses.