We recently visited Bill and Jan in Chicago. We hadn't visited in a while, so it felt particularly good to be there. Julien knows their apartment very well and immediate went to all his favorite places to check things out: the train viewing window, the knick-knack table, the rocks and shells shelf, etc. On Saturday we all went to the Art Institute to look at the knights' armor, which was cool. It included some horse helmets as well as human. Julien also enjoyed the Egyptian and Roman exhibits. I read some of the translations of the hieroglyphics to him, and at one point, when I had just finished one of the stories, Julien exclaimed "turn the page!" It was pretty funny. (As a side comment, we were recently discussing that we had run out of temporary tattoos and I told him that he could pick out some new ones. He asked "Do they have book tattoos?" If they don't they should!). By the time we made it up to the Impressionists Julien had lost his patience, so we took him down to the kids area. A little girl came up to Julien and asked him to play. She was very charming and won him over, so they played for quite a while.
On Sunday morning we took a walk on Promontory point. It was wintry but there was not the usual ice on the surface of the lake. It was beautiful in a very Chicago winter way. Julien enjoyed the waves and the binoculars. He slept on the entire ride home to Bloomington (4 hours) which is very rare.

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