Julien had his last t-ball game when Bill, Jan and Jessica were all in town. This time he asked not to play first base. Instead Julien played infield. He would dive across the field to catch any ball that was hit into the field. He was a bit agressive. At the end of the game the coach gave them each a medal.
Jessica visited this last week. It was busy-Bill and Jan came for the weekend (including Father's Day) and we had a bar-b-q with Willem and Shana. Julien thinks Jessica is great. She gave him a Red Sox hat and t-shirt, which he absolutely loves and wore for three days in a row. He had me write her an email after she left in which he said, "I love your weaving, spinning yarn and knitting."
Shana and Willem threw us a non-shower baby celebration this last Sunday. Shana made yummy lemon cupcakes and scones. We painted onsies (Jessica's idea), which was really great. Julien had fun with his pack of boys: Jake, Peter, Graham and Andrew. They particularly enjoyed stuffing their pockets with immature apples. It felt good to have a last hurrah before the birth.
The camp fire was lots of fun, especially roasting hot dogs, marshmallows, and bagels. We slept better the second night (I think we were all tired). In the morning almost everyone left right a way, but we went on one more trip through the cave and one more pony ride with Graham and John Paul. Boy were we exhausted when we got home that afternoon!