On Monday, my official due date, we had a false alarm. I had contractions two minutes apart that lasted about a minute long. I could hardly walk, was shaking etc. Tanya told Richard to call the midwife over right away. When she arrived she took one look at me and set up all the equipment. In between contractions she said "It looks like we will have a baby this afternoon!" And then it just slowed down until it practically stopped. She checked me and I was only three and a half centimeters dilated so everyone went home. Since then my contractions have been very slow and minor (in other words not painful).
It was interesting (and emotionally difficult) having a trial run. Julien was very good and was doing his best to give me labor support. We had planned to have Tanya catch the baby, but that can't happen now. Everyone was great, but my body didn't cooperate. I am hoping it will be soon.
Julien got into the birth pool after we realized it wasn't happening.

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