Friday, January 18, 2008


Last night, when I was putting Julien to bed, we were coming up with ideas for "Pokestar" his Pokemon/Starwars movie that he has been imagining and playing lately. The scenes involve things like birthday parties at Jaba the Hut's palace, Aipom (a monkey-like Pokemon character) swinging through the trees and visiting the ewoks, and, of course, lots of explosions and light sabers, but everyone ends up on the same side in the end and no one really gets injured. Finally, I said we had to stop and he needed to go to sleep.

He had one last request for me, "If you come up with another idea for Pokestar, pause it. Let me tell you what I do when I want to remember something. I paint a picture of it. And then, when it is time to sleep, I can dream it. I can animate it. OK? So don't forget to tell me about it in the morning!" I love the idea of painting a picture of something in my mind to help me remember it.

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