Monday, February 06, 2006

Baby Names

Julien is very excited about having a baby and talks about it frequently. He says he wants a sister. He has come up with several names for the baby including: Trainy, Truck, Chocolate Icecream, Squirt, and Julien. The other day a little girl asked him if he had a brother or sister and he said "I have a baby in my mommy's tummy."

They recently got a baby bunny in his class room and Julien loves it. They had a vote to name it. Julien wanted to name it "Whale" but only two other kids agreed and everyone else voted for Cutie. So the bunny is now named Cutie.


Evie P. said...

Awesome. I vote for Truck. Truck Elizabeth or, hm, Truck Henry. Perfect.

Adrienne said...

Truck Elizabeth does have a nice ring to it. Julien is partial to Chocolate Icecream. He's also added stinky to the list.