Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Family room

We still have some perfecting to do, but our family room looks much better!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Girl Knight in Labor

Julien's story: "The girl knight, she's in labor. So she took off everything and she pulled down her pants and put three paper towels on the pants and then all the liquid came down. The midwife, she was late, so she ordered the archer to do it. She gave him money to order him to do it. The midwife gave the archer money and he put it in the pocket of his armor.

The baby came down the birth canal and it popped out and then he cut the umbilical cord with the girl knight's sword. And he threw the umbilical cord and the other trash into the heater. And then he left.

The girl knight took off the paper towels. She wiped the baby off. And then she had to go to war. So the man took care of the baby while she was gone.

The End"

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fireworks of Glass

On the last day of spring break we went to the Children's Museum- always one of Julien's favorites. We showed up just in time for the grand unveiling of Dale Chihuly's "Fire Works of Glass" sculpture. It was pretty cool. Julien particularly liked the interactive exhibit where you can move pieces around to make your own version of the sculpture. And, as usual, the dinosaurs are always fun.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Julien spent spring break playing with his playmobil knights. He set up various scenarios and had me photograph them. Several of these are "wars."

Spring Break

Well, spring break is over. We spent it fixing up the family room. Not very relaxing, but it was good to get work done. Richard worked particularly hard since I couldn't be by all the fumes. We had to shut off the room with plastic. Julien enjoyed being home all week.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Back to his usual energy

Julien is finally feeling better after a long cold. He is back to his usual energy.